Boss or Leader? It’s Your Choice

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In the recently released 2015 Australian Psychological Society Stress & Wellbeing Surveys, 75% of Australian workers who were in the sample, indicated that stress was having at least some impact on their physical health.

Furthermore 68% of respondents from the workforce indicated that stress was having at least some impact on their mental health.

Regular readers of our newsletter will recognise that we strive to educate people during our consultations on a range of individual strategies and techniques that will give them better peace of mind and healthier outcomes in their lives.

Beyond the pleasure of helping individual clients through psychological consultations, we enjoy being invited to assist groups of people at work, by delivering workshops that reduce some of the sources of stress.
Workplace distress for many people, is generated (often inadvertently), when people in roles of authority choose, or fail to recognize, that their style of interaction and influence is based on the limited model of ‘power over’ others ( i.e The Boss ), rather than developing an influence style based on “personal power of self” ( i.e The Leader ).
Below is a quick checklist that you may enjoy reflecting upon and considering whether you are open to learn to become better and better at modelling Leadership choices into the future.  Why not print and keep it as a reminder?


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